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European politics and policies

S. Collignon - Forward with Europe: A democratic and progressive Reform Agenda after the Lisbon Strategy
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G. Martinico - The impact of the cohesion policies on the "Form of Union"
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G. Itzcovich - Closer to the citizens? European constitutional processes, communication policy and publicity
(Now published in Perspectives on Federalism)

E. Pollio - National Convergence vs. Local Divergence: the Extent and the Limits of the Current European Regional Policy
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E. Pollio - “Fortress Europe” or “building block for multilateralism”? The Single European Market external dimension and the challenge of consistency
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M. Cerizza, G. Martinico - Supranationalism in EU criminal justice: another incoming tide?
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G. Martinico - Dating Cinderella: On Subsidiarity as a Political Safeguard of Federalism in the European Union
(Now published in European Public Law)

E. Pollio - Democratic Peace through (inter-)regional cooperation: conceptual significance and empirical limits to the EU’s contribution to a re-structured international order
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G. Bianco, T. Ragues - La Cour de justice et la libre prestation de services : entre proportionnalité et droits fondamentaux
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G. Martinico - The meta-national dimension of solidarity in EU law. On the impact of the EU cohesion policies on the "form of Union"
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G. Palombella - Quo isti Europa? Relative Movement and the Lens of Transformation
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F. Masini - Towards a Federal Structure of Economic Governance in the Eurozone
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M. Kölling - The EU budget - from a bargaining tool to a federal budget?
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M. Simoncini - EU Agencies in the Internal Market: A Constitutional Challenge for EU Law
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P. Cuccuru - European Judiciary and Harmonised Standards: Which Intersection?
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F. Costamagna - The Revision of the Posted Workers Directive as a Meaningful Way to Curb Regulatory Competition in the Social Domain?
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C. Nalli - The European Ombudsman: the Knight of Good Administration and the Watchdog Of Transparency and Accountability of Eu Bodies
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M.D. Sánchez Galera- El Pacto Verde Europeo. Gobernanza energética como instrumento regulatorio en función de la cooperación y la justicia social
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A. Saba - Resilient rural areas in the EU Common Agricultural Policy: Navigating the legal framework for Smart Villages and AKIS
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