Subnational Constitutional Law
M. S. McCallion, P. Tallberg - Regionalisation in Sweden
(download the paper)
E. Pollio - From nation-building to "coercive federalism": the role of the federal spending power in the United States and Canada
(download the paper)
K. Blairon - La decentralisation en France
(download the paper)
J. M. Castellà Andreu - Las comunidades autónomas en Bruselas: la dimensión externa de la partecipación autonómica en la Unión Europea
(download the paper)
G. Delledonne, G. Martinico - Handle with care! The Regional Charters and Italian Constitutionalism's "Grey Zone"
(later published in European Constitutional Law Review)
M. Mazzarella - Towards a comparative framework for intergovernmental relations: gleanings from two experiences
(download the paper)
J. Pinheiro - What is subnational constitutionalism?
(download the paper)
G. Martinico - Courts and Identity Conflicts in Federal and Regional Systems
(Now: "Identity conflicts and secessions before courts: three case studies.")
(later published in Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado)